My details

If you would like to find out more about storing and using your data, full details can be found on this page. You can also change your data and withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data here.

Why do I need to give my details?

For the safety of our clients and in compliance with applicable international regulations, the company is required to comply with international procedures. The first of these is KYC (Know Your Customer), and the second is AML (Anti-money laundering).

Documents such as ID (proof of identity, passport, driving licence or proof of residence - POR) can, and should, be submitted via the appropriate form, which you can access once you have logged into your account.

Important! All this data is collected for your safety.

I want to edit my personal data:

Dear customer, if:

  • you want to delete your personal data,
  • you want to opt-out of the marketing contact,
  • you want to opt-out of telephone contact,
  • you want to withdraw from e-mail contact,

fill out the form withdrawal of consents granted.

I want to change my e-mail address

You can change your e-mail address by filling out the Change of e-mail address form

I want to read the privacy policy

To read the privacy policy on our website, click HERE.
